Thursday, October 28, 2010

Media Education Assignment

This is my idea for an assignment which could be assigned to a middle or high school classroom.

Media in the Classroom: PowerPoint Outline Assignment

Project: Make a PowerPoint pesentation mapping out a specific goal you have either presently or in the futureand the steps in which you will achieve this goal. Content must be appropriate for the classroom and we will share with the class. Goal must contain a minumum of three steps. Show your personality through use of colors, lack of colors, and pictures. Make it interesting!

Purpose: Geared more towards high school and middle school students so they can learn how to create PowerPoint presentations since they will use them MANY times throughout college. Also, they can learn how to map out and organize an assignement by using outline format. Unfortunately, many students today do not use and/or know how tocreate an effective outline for projects, essays, etc. I’ve learned that especially younger students love to talk about and express themselves, so not only will they learn to set up an outline, but they can have fun doing it. I can also possibly set up a project right after revovling around using an outline to write a paper.

I. Intro: My goal
A. Attention getter
B. Background/reason for goal
C. Thesis (main topics; 1-2 sentences)
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
3. Step 3
4. Step 4
II. Body
A. Step 1 in detail
1. Importance of step
B. Step 2 in detail
i. Importance of step
C. Step 3 in detail
i. Importance of step
D. Step 4 in detail
i. Importance of step
III. Conclusion
A. Restate main points
B. Powerful ending

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